
Jewelry Helper to wear a bracelet or a watch without any help


Descripion:Is there anything more frustrating than trying to single handedly hold your bracelet on your wrist while you are trying to fasten it at the same time The bracelet slips and slides and falls off your wrist, or the clasp moves out of reach just as you are about to fasten it–all in an exasperating dance that many times ends with the bracelet being left at home and you going out with a nake wrist! Well, now you can dance for joy because this Bracelet fastener helps you easily and effortlessly fasten all of your lobster claw and toggle clasp bracelets by yourself! this is an stand with a hook that firmly holds your bracelet in place on your wrist so you can quickly fasten it with your free hand.

This clever accesory makes it possible to wear a bracelet or a watch without any help
Secures one end of your bracelet
Includes simple instructions in all languages
Just 5 Easy Steps: Hook It, Wear It, Wrap It, Fasten It, and Remove It!


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